Get more job interviews.

Intry Careers’ patented technology will help you get more job interviews faster.
Create your ATS Resume
" Prior to Intry Careers I wasn’t getting any calls, once I optimized my resume and customized it for each job, I had 6 calls the first week!  Thank you Intry Careers!  I really did think it was me and had no idea I was being blocked by the ATS! "

- Penny H

Why Intry?
127 reasons why.

We reverse engineered applicant tracking systems and found 127 different reasons, including bias about why your resume gets blocked, and why you’re not getting interviews. Then we created software to fix the problem. 

You’re welcome.

Reason number 1
You don’t look like the current workforce of the company and the AI is blocking your resume
Reason number 2
You have applied to too many one click apply job postings and have been blocked 
Reason number 3
You are a woman over 45
Reason number 4
You used the wrong font
Reason number 5
You have over 30 years of experience
Reason number 6
You don’t have enough experience
Reason number 7
You don’t list the right skills
Reason number 8
You don’t have key words
Reason number 9
You used the wrong icon
Reason number 10
You have too few words
Reason number 11
You have too many words
Reason number 12
You live in the wrong zip code
Reason number 13
The college you went to isn’t on the list
Reason number 14
Your job title doesn’t match the job title on the job description
Reason number 15
You don’t have a Caucasian sounding name

Sign up and get more job interviews.

It was very helpful and I had an increase in job interviews after making adjustments to my resume with Intry.

- Shaz M.

I've been applying to jobs for three months and received zero responses. After signing up with Intry, I got two job interviews in a week!

- Lisa N.

I got a new job within just a few weeks of uploading my resume to Intry and going through the optimization process.

- Stevan M.

I was told by my new employer that my resume was unique and stood out from the rest of the job applicants. Thanks, Intry!

- Margaret K.

It was very helpful and a great way to make my resume better.

- Katie S.

Very satisfied with the results that I received. Thanks!

- Curt I.

Thank you for my recent success in landing multiple interviews and a job. Intry helped me update my resume and list the skills that hiring managers want to see, and my resumes are still generating phone calls. Thank you again!

- Greg R.

I uploaded my current resume and used the Intry app to enhance my resume to get past applicant tracking systems and it worked great. Thank you for
helping me get a new job.

- Stephanie G.

Create your ATS Resume