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Intry Careers simplifies your job search process with a range of user-friendly features designed to optimize your resume and enhance your chances of securing job interviews. Here's how it works:
Create your ATS ResumeCreate a digital profile by uploading your existing resume or adding information manually. This profile serves as the foundation for generating your ATS Resumes™, specifically tailored for applicant tracking systems.
Discover your strongest work characteristics and compatible work culture through the TrueYou™ Assessment. This short and straightforward questionnaire provides valuable insights to help you craft a compelling summary on your resume and prepare for job interviews.
Easily customize your ATS Resume for each job application using our ATS Resume™ Generator. Simply copy a job description and paste it into the generator, which automatically identifies missing skills and keywords for you to add to your resume.
Select from a variety of professional resume templates, pick your favorite design, and download your new ATS Resume™. These visually appealing resumes are not only aesthetically pleasing but also optimized to navigate applicant tracking systems and reach the hands of hiring managers.
Watch this video to see the full process.